Upgrading Windows XP
As of April 8th 2014,
Microsoft no longer provides support for Windows XP. This means that there will be
no more security updates or technical support for the Windows XP operating system. This is critical, as these security updates are needed to keep users and their data safe.
Therefore, PCs running Windows XP after April 8, 2014, should not be considered to be protected. It is important that users migrate to a supported operating system as soon as possible.
Since Windows XP still works, you could decide on sticking with it, but please keep in mind that there are various risks involved with this strategy.
The risks of staying with Windows XP
This is the biggest and most important reason to upgrade.
Without critical Windows XP security updates, your PC may become vulnerable to harmful viruses, spy ware, and other malicious software which can steal or damage your business data and information. Anti-virus software will also not be able to fully protect you once Windows XP itself is unsupported.
Lack of software support
New software might not work on Windows XP (newer versions of Internet Explorer for example), while existing software may not get updates any more for Windows XP.
Lack of software support
Manufacturers may no longer produce hardware that is compatible with Windows XP, or stop supporting Windows XP on existing and new hardware.
Migrating to a modern operating system
The best course of action in this case is to immediately upgrade to a modern operating system such as Windows 7 or Windows 8. You can upgrade by purchasing a new PC, or by getting a fresh new copy of Windows installed at your local computer shop.
How does this upgrade affect SQlapius?
Upgrading to a new operating system will not affect your SQlapius data in any way. Your data will remain secure within our cloud and our technicians will re-install the desktop application (and any additional hardware) for you, free of charge.
contact us if you have any other questions regarding the upgrading process.